Free Guide

From Setback


Your Guide To
Making Money Again

Even If You're Still Healing & Dealing With Your Health, Loss, or Big Distractions

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From Setback


Your Guide To
Making Money Again

Even If You're Still Healing & Dealing With Your Health Crisis, Loss, or Setback

Reboot The Money Flow

I get where you are!

You're anxious to breathe life back in to your business and return to some normalcy, but things are different.

You're all over the place, and your stamina/available time is still not at 💯.

It would be so much easier to simply be told what to do, if nothing else so you can stop overthinking it!

It's possible to incrementally build your business back in a steady manner by focusing and implementing the right steps, consistently.

How does one eat an elephant? One bite at time... and not forgetting the goal.

A roadmap back to a successful would be so helpful.

That's why I've created this guide for you!

In This Guide, I'll Take You Through...

Crafting Your Comeback Schedule

The most important part of returning to your "working habit" is structure that supports your business growth AND your need for extra time whether it be for self-care, well-being, or tending to other matters.

In this guide I give you the essentials for structuring your week with an optimal balance of productivity, joy, and rest.

You'll leverage your peak energy times, allowing you to tick off key tasks with maximum efficiency. Create momentum in your business activities without burnout or running out of steam, ensuring steady progress towards your comeback.

Revisiting Your Core Message

This is a key step to reconnect with your business and the people that want to buy from you. You probably fall into two camps: 1) those that feel a revamp is necessary, or 2) those that are continuing with a tried-and-true message. Either way, revisiting this section is the spark you need to feel more enlivened about your business.

In this guide, you'll be prompted through strategic questions to uncover a better message that fits where you are, and connects you more deeply to your audience. Become so clear on your message that it automatically and magnetically attracts the right people your way.

Charting Your Comeback Roadmap

One of my principles about being productive and making headway is to have a very clear strategy to move forward, while maintaining simplicity and a singular focus. Being scattered with too many things that can't get done timely only leads to spinning your wheels.

In this section, I show you how to incorporate these principles into identifying your optimal next steps. Through this method, you'll experience real results that revitalizes your business and accelerates profits coming in. Whether it's enhancing your social media presence, growing your email list, or refining your product offerings, you'll identify and prioritize the actions that will drive financial returns. With practical tools and clear guidelines, you'll make clearer decisions that catalyze a rapid comeback with balance and success.

A Note From Lisa

Oh, I know…

That moment when the urge to dive back into your business starts to build, especially after you've had to take a step back.

Once you get these 3 things pinned down the rest will flow in perfect timing, and you’ll feel the confidence in yourself again. It’s especially true if it’s you that has had health challenges. Trusting in yourself again is everything.

🙋‍♀️ Raise your hand if this is you. 

You’re probably feeling the urgency to make that income again, even if it’s just a little bit coming in. That will create the momentum you’re seeking. 

You’re probably thinking, “I needed income yesterday!”  I get it! 


Here’s what I’ve learned since my own health crisis:

When you use your time efficiently, and avoid bright shiny object distractions, you’ll be up and running again with a focus that is steadfast. Mostly, you already know how to run an online business, but it’s been a minute.

You either don’t know where to begin, or you have a bazillion ideas swirling in your head.

Whoa Nelly! Slow your roll.. Take a moment to re-ground yourself and laser focus your efforts, or you’ll be spinning your wheels and you won’t end up anywhere.

It's time to believe in yourself. 

Download this guide and you’ll have the basis of a refreshed perspective, fully ready for your next chapter. 

Watch out world, you’re baaaaack!


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